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Pratibha Institute
of Business Management

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Pratibha Institute
of Business Management

Doctor of Philosophy

Academic Program

Pratibha Institute of Business Management Research Centre was founded in the Academic year 2021-22. It approved and affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University (Formerly known as University of Pune) for Ph.D. degree. At present 12 students are pursuing their
PhD under it.

Functions of PIBM Research Scholars
  • To Select/Enroll Research Scholars for Doctoral Programme.
  • To design and conduct Executive Education & Management Development Programs to attract professionals and industry experts.
  • To Recognize and reward faculty members for their research contributions.
  • To organize regular events featuring renowned researchers, industry leaders, and subject matter experts.
  • To Identify and engage experienced researchers as guides for Ph.D. candidates.
  • To collaborate with Universities, B Schools, Research Institutions, Industry, and Professional Societies.
Academic Program

Pratibha Institute of Business Management Research Centre was founded in the Academic year 2021-22. It approved and affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University (Formerly known as University of Pune) for Ph.D. degree. At present 12 students are pursuing their
PhD under it.

Functions of PIBM Research Scholars
  • To Select/Enroll Research Scholars for Doctoral Programme.
  • To design and conduct Executive Education & Management Development Programs to attract professionals and industry experts.
  • To Recognize and reward faculty members for their research contributions.
  • To organize regular events featuring renowned researchers, industry leaders, and subject matter experts.
  • To Identify and engage experienced researchers as guides for Ph.D. candidates.
  • To collaborate with Universities, B Schools, Research Institutions, Industry, and Professional Societies.
Academic Program

Pratibha Institute of Business Management Research Centre was founded in the Academic year 2021-22. It approved and affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University (Formerly known as University of Pune) for Ph.D. degree. At present 12 students are pursuing their
PhD under it.

Functions of PIBM Research Scholars
  • To Select/Enroll Research Scholars for Doctoral Programme.
  • To design and conduct Executive Education & Management Development Programs to attract professionals and industry experts.
  • To Recognize and reward faculty members for their research contributions.
  • To organize regular events featuring renowned researchers, industry leaders, and subject matter experts.
  • To Identify and engage experienced researchers as guides for Ph.D. candidates.
  • To collaborate with Universities, B Schools, Research Institutions, Industry, and Professional Societies.
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